Deescalation & Implicit Bias

Two Required Subjects Covered in One Day
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This Program is Currently Being Delivered on a Custom-Private Basis.

To find out how to bring this class to your agency or organization, contact [email protected]


Course Description

Two Required Subjects Covered in One Day

This program has been designed to provide attendees with the critical skills law enforcement personnel need to work with and understand different ethnic, racial, cultural, and gender groups, thus resulting in better relations between the police department and the community. We will examine ways in which effective and appropriate de-escalation skills positively impacts decision-making and encourages professionalism, and an increased perception of procedural justice between the community and its law enforcement partners. Students will share their expertise and experiences through relevant discussions during this course, students will be immersed in practical applications of cultural competency and de-escalation to gain a renewed appreciation for how positive policing affects organizations.

Topics we’ll cover include:

  • Understanding diverse communities and the important roles cooperation and mutual respect play in the effort to enforce the law while avoiding unnecessary combative confrontations
  • The definition of implicit bias and an exploration of the different types of bias and how some can have a negative impact on community relations.
  • Understanding bias and analyzing patterns, practices and protocols that may be catalysts to unacceptable biased actions. Key characteristics and perspectives that characterize differences among residents in varying communities.
  • Key characteristics and perspectives that characterize differences among residents in varying communities.
  • Deescalation techniques, both verbal and physical, that can help successfully mitigate the need for force and avoid unnecessary force escalation.
  • A discussion on the civil rights movement and its impact on law enforcement.