Chief Ed Delmore has been a police officer since 1982. He has served as a patrol officer, undercover narcotics investigator, patrol sergeant, watch commander, deputy chief, and chief of police. For several years he was the working commander of the most successful city criminal interdiction unit in the State of Illinois. He currently serves as the Chief of Police in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Gulf Shores is an island resort community in the Gulf of Mexico. Ed earned an Associate of Applied Science Degree from Southwestern Illinois College, a Bachelor’s Degree from Western Illinois University, and a Masters Degree from Webster University. He is a graduate of the Administrative Officer’s Course at the University of Louisville’s Southern Police Institute and also of the FBI National Academy (Session 205).
He has seized millions of dollars in illicit drugs and drug currency and has taught thousands of police officers throughout the United States about criminal interdiction. Chief Delmore’s course has been approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the United States Department of Justice. Married to a crime fighter, his wife Ann has been a police officer since 1988.